A septic tank is a very simple and small sewage treatment plant. It contains baffles that are arranged so that all solid materials fall to the bottom of the tank. This solid material is held in the tank where bacterial digestion will break it down. There must be sufficient numbers of bacteria in order for this digestion process to take place. Many household chemicals (strong cleaners, drain openers, laundry bleach, anti bacterial soaps) will kill the bacteria, and the digestion process is interrupted. A septic tank treatment product with enzymes should be added to the septic system to keep the entire process working properly.
Gilbert–Thank you for a fine product ! I recently had my septic tank pumped out–no problems,just curious ! Poop was darker which the septic tank guy was indictative of bacteria being present. Anyway, your product enabled my septic system to go trouble free 24 years and one month since the last cleanout (12/90). You can count on me to be a lifelong customer.
— Charles Couch
The septic tank will not function properly if there are not enough bacteria to digest the waste. If the septic tank is not functioning properly, solids may be washed out of the septic tank into the drain field – they clog the pores of the drain field. The drainfield has been specially constructed of material , to allow the effluent form the septic tank tank to filter slowly into the ground. If the pores of the drainfield are clogged up with solids, the liquid effluent will not filter (percolate) properly, creating puddles of standing wastewater (wet spots)and causing the whole system to back-up.
When a drain pipe is new, it has an inside opening the full diameter of the pipe. Over time bits of material cling to the walls of the pipe. As this normal accumulation builds, it slowly closes up the pipe. Eventually enough accumulation will build up to reduce the effective size to a fraction of what it should be. This condition will cause clogs and backups. A Drain pipe can lose ½ of its diameter in 5 years due to organic build-up.
We can prevent clogs and backups by keeping the drain pipe at its maximum diameter. To do this, we need to introduce a bacterial digestant with enzymes into the septic system, such as Septic-Free Regular. The bacteria will become established within the accumulation on the walls of the pipe. They grow and reproduce in this layer of organic material. The bacteria aided by enzymes continuously digest the built up material. With regular monthly treatments of Septic-Free Regular, the bacteria will continue to live and grow in this material and will continuously digest the organic material that clings to the wall of the drain pipe. This eliminates the cause of most clogs and backups.