Your credit card will be billed the price of the item selected, plus a $18.00 shipping
charge for item E, $12.00 for item D; for all other items the shipping charge is $9.00. Orders shipped outside of
continental U.S. will be charged lowest UPS SHIPPING charges. You will receive the product shipped through UPS,
within 3 to 5 working days (p.o. boxes shipped US MAIL). Complete usage instructions are in the box. (effective
If you prefer to order by phone call (888)285-5689
To order by mail, send check or money order to the address given above.
If the Submit Button doesn't work, you have left out at least one of the required information items,
go back to the Order Page and put in the required information.
Cancelled orders will be charged a 5% credit card processing fee, if the order is cancelled before shipping documents have been prepared; cancelled orders will be charged a 10% processing fee to cover credit card and shipping costs if the shipping documents have already been processed when the order is cancelled.
Copyright 1999 AmeriSep, Inc. last updated 27/01/2017.